Sunday, June 14, 2009

Chalk Graffiti

Walking home from a birthday gathering, I remembered I had cleverly stowed away some colourful chalk in my bag. I proceeded to write this blog address on as many possible surfaces, hoping against hope that a) it wouldn’t rain before people could see them, and b) people would go to this website. So if you’ve come here after reading my chalk scribbles along Bloor Street: thank you and welcome. Read about my project, and please: write to me.


  1. Hi Elija!
    your chalk graffiti idea definitely worked and got my attention!!! I saw your blog address on the side wall of the construction structure on Bloor Street by the Tiffany's/MAC store. The title alone sparked my curiosity so here I am checking it out! I hope your project will have great success!

  2. I linked your blog to mine. I hope you don't mind :)

  3. Thanks so much!!! It's so good to hear that something has come out of my shameless [self] promotion...
