Friday, May 29, 2009

Return Fan Mail

My dear loyal followers (if you exist):

How sorry I am that my posts have been... non-existent. It’s been a bizarre whirlwind time as of late, but I promise to be more on top of things. I hope.

Around mid-April, whilst procrastinating final projects and exams, I wrote two “fan letters” to comedians I follow from Australia: Rove McManus (, who’s kind of like the Conan of Australia, but better; and Hamish and Andy (, who sometimes go on ROVE, but have their own daily radio show. All three gentlemen are extremely funny and I can’t wait to get back to Melbourne to try and meet them personally (dream big, I know).

So a couple of weeks ago, late night checking my post box, I find a brown package from Australia. It turned out to be Hamish & Andy’s double CD, autographed by the pair themselves. Needless to say there was a bit of a nerdy freak out session, followed by telling everyone I could the story. However, there was no actual note or letter attached, which selfishly bummed me out. I then wrote them back (including, amongst other things, an autographed CD of a new/awesome Canadian band so we’ll see if anything more comes of that.

Checking my post box this arvo, I found another hand written letter from Australia. Inside was a card and a note from Rove (zomg, heart palpitations, much?) and him even saying to keep an eye on his vlog for a mention.

Oh. Wow.

I wish I could express in this blog just how much I am freaking out/excited, but that many exclamation marks would just be annoying/ridiculous. I will keep you all updated on whatever comes of that.

In the mean time, please keep those letters coming. There’s been a bit of a lull in post, which might mean I need to do some more promotional stuff.


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  3. Hello Elija,

    I discovered your blog post as I was searching for a mailing address for Hamish & Andy (I also realize this post is nearly 6 years old and you may no longer check comments).

    First off, I just love your story! So wonderful that you received those presents in response to your letters. I am hoping you can help me in a similar endeavor - I am trying to reach out to the duo in the hopes they'll send back a letter/picture/card/anything, because I would love to gift it to a friend for Christmas. Let me know if you can help, thanks in advance :)


    PS - sorry the couple deleted comments, had a few tech issues
