Thursday, April 9, 2009

Side Projects and Future Projects

I have been flat out with school this past month, thus the lack of blogging.

Last/this week I’ve finally written a couple of letters back. I will get to everyone who’s included a return address, hopefully by the end of the month. Yes, the project/experiment goes on, and I’m very excited to see for just how long. Please keep sending me letters, and also telling others about it.

My roommate would like to extend an invitation of sorts of his own. He’d like for people to send him hate-mail. The letter can be addressed to someone you know, a stranger, the general public, or my roommate himself, he would just love to read your hate. So please: go ahead and direct your anger to my roommate in this side project/off-shoot. Same postal address, just make them out to Damien, c/o Someone to Write to. Thanks guys—he’ll be happy to receive your rage.

This summer should be exciting. I will have a lot more time for letter writing, as I won’t have homework with whatever job I (hopefully) get. This also will allow time for other projects I have cooking in my brain, and will definitely love input/participation. I’ll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. hey
    im moving so dont write to my old address, ill give you my new one. But I do want a letter, in fact ill be expecting one :)
