Friday, January 16, 2009

The Beginning

My name is Elija and this is an art project.
This is an open invitation to write me letters. These letters can be any length, any subject. The “requirements” are that they are a) personal, and b) hand written. They can be anonymous, or you can include your return address if you want some sort of response.
I love letters. I love writing them and sending them, and I love to get them. I truly believe that letter writing is an art form. The idea that you are creating something so uniquely personal, and are never going to see it again, intrigues me. There is only one copy, for one person. There is no mass forwarding, no copy and paste, no undo. The act of ink on paper—making a permanent mark, and even if you cover up with whiteout, still exists underneath.
My intention for these letters is to share them. I’ll be keeping this blog, updating it when I receive letters—telling people where they’re from, what they’re about, and possibly excerpts. The letters can be about something that happened to you today, a personal story, a personal story involving us both, or something you just need to share. Feel free to sign your name, and include your return address if you’d like me to write you back. (I will not be sharing any contact information, just the contents of the letters.)
My name is Elija, and I’m a student at the Ontario College of Art & Design, in Toronto, Canada. I’m twenty-two, a Scorpio, and one of four children. And hopefully, I’m someone to write to.
I look forward to your letters.

Someone To Write To
PO Box 68588
360a Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario
M5S 1X0